Thursday, March 12, 2009

First Post!!

Hey guys! This is my first post on a Blog! I wanted to start a blog, because I know that the next few years are going to bring so much change and exciting events! I am praying that this Blog can be used as a place where I can stay connected with those who I love, pray for and support. I also want to use this as a place for those who will be praying for me and supporting me to feel apart of my life, and experience the new adventures with me. I cannot wait to share with you, and for you to ask, comment, and share with me your adventures with me! Let this be a place where we can share fun times, laughter, joy, hardships, and prayer requests with one another. I love you guys so much, and I would not be where I am today with out you. Please keep me in prayer as the Lord is guiding my steps into new directions. Right now I am praying that the Lord guides me Internationally as a Missionary using teaching as a tool. I applied for a position at Mercy Ships Academy which is a hospital ship that travels from country to country in Africa, and they have a school on the ship for the Missionary Kids (MKs) which I applied as a teacher! I will find out March 25th if I got the position! I am very excited and seeking the Lords ultimate will---no matter "Where in the World" He may lead me! Even if its here in SoCal :) Thank you all for your support and prayers! I love you all!


  1. Hey I found your blog! Very cute.

  2. Christina! Wow! What an adventure that will be! Guess I will replace Paul's blog with yours! Let's see lots of pictures. Now I get to go to Africa vicariously through you. Scott

  3. Haha!! Thanks Scott!!! :) I will definitely post a TON of pictures!! :) and make it feel like you are right there in Africa!! you will get to see a few different countries too :) what an adventure it will be! Thank you for your encouragement! Please tell your wife Hi for me! :) ...and Clarke! ...and Paul! (sorry i dont know your other son...but feel free to tell him hi too) haha!
